If you have been contacted by an individual claiming, or even appearing, to be Graham on Facebook messenger, Instagram DM or Twitter direct messages, please report and block the user right away. The messages are not from Graham or a representative of Team Brilliant.
We will never reach out to you via direct message on social media. These users have tailored their accounts to look just like Graham's official social media channels, so it is easy to be deceived.
On Twitter or Facebook, you will want to look for the verified user blue check mark next to Graham Cooke. Any user without this blue check mark is not Graham.
You can go to the profile of the imposter account and click on the downward facing arrow at the top right of any tweet or the "..." on Facebook. Look for the Report Tweet or Report Page option. Follow the options to report that this user is impersonating someone, and then be sure to select the option to block the offending user as well.
We are always doing what we can to stop these accounts from doing harm to Graham's friends and fans, but new accounts pop up more quickly than we can get them shut down. We appreciate your help in reporting these abusive accounts whenever you see them!