If you are having issues using the iOS or Android app, the following steps clear up most issues:
- Sign out of the app, restart your device, and log back into the app.
If that doesn't resolve the issue:
- Check if there is an update for the app (via the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store).
- Exit the app, turn your device’s Wi-Fi off then on, and open the app again.
If updating your app doesn't resolve the issue:
- Try uninstalling the app and downloading it again.
- You can find the our app on iOS here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brilliant-tv/id1456032780
- Or Android here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brillianttv&hl=en_US&gl=US
You can always email help@brilliantperspectives.com to report a bug or get help with troubleshooting, but be aware we may need to ask you to recreate the issue and show us what you see!