When you place an order with us that contains download links, they should arrive to your email in the first few hours after ordering. Here are some tips to finding these links if you missed them coming in!
- Please check your spam or junk email folders!
- Your download links will come from email address: help@brilliantperspectives.com, try searching your email for that address.
- Read any emails you received from us carefully! A single email could contain multiple links, or you may get multiple emails with information about different parts of your order!
You may have made a typo when entering your email address or our system may have missed sending the information you needed. If you have tried the steps above and still are missing content from your order, please reach out! Our support staff can get you the information you need.
You can contact us at help@brilliantperspectives.com or by calling 800-351-7541. If you leave us a voice message please include your name and email address.