Playback with the screen off on all our platforms is something we are actively working on and we hope to have that upgrade that functionality soon! We thank you for your patience with us!
You should now be able to lock your phone or navigate away from the app without interruption of the video on the latest iOS version of the app. Android may still experience issues with this.
If you are experiencing issues with the video stopping and needing to be restarted when your screen goes to sleep - please update your app again to make sure you have the latest version! You might also need to uninstall/reinstall the app or restart your device.
Our latest update should keep your screen active while a video is playing. You may still not be able to listen with your screen off, but now it should not go to sleep while the video is on.
If you are still experiencing issues, you can watch on a web browser (even on your mobile device) or you can try setting your screen time out for longer or never when you plan to watch or listen to Brilliant Plus.
You can always email to report a bug or get help with troubleshooting, but be aware we may need to ask you to recreate the issue and show us what you see!